28 Jan00:00am
posted by admin
Some memories of Mr. Lowcock.
Our Primary Six English teacher, Mrs. Helen Leung, called him “Jimmy.”
There was one year we were called into the Hall and Mr. Lowcock gave a talk. Today, I can remember neither the content nor the purpose of the talk, except for one thing. That one thing was his illustration in Cantonese 坐井觀天,曰天小者,非天小也。
Then there was the time Mr. Lowcock read aloud in assembly a note that my father wrote to ask the PE teacher to excuse me from PE class. Nobody noticed.
Mr. Lowcock told me once that “the first 13 years of a gentileman’s education is to keep him off the streets.”
Mr. Lowcock always treated with respect 亞佐, the school carpenter, and 黃志強, the man who maintained the chalk lines around the field.
Edward C. Kwok
Edward C. Kwok