29 Jan00:00am
posted by admin
Despite SJL’s Laissez faire and his ” don’t really care if you don’t
care “attitude , I learnt my first discipline lesson from him in his
physics class in form lower 6 ; a class captain or whatever, I was
made to stand on my writing table for the entire period ( 45 minutes ?
) for wearing red socks to school. Learnt to think on what lines not
supposed to cross ever since and to think twice before doing something
stupid .
Never foget his question either to the class that day……” if I
keep rubbing and shining this copper vessel every lesson, surely a few
Cu molecules will be rubbed off …. one day, the ‘last’ rubbing is
inevitable, and this copper instrument will vanish in thin air……..
Chief, we’ll miss you.
Li Wai Tsuen Walter ( Class ’63 )