04 Feb00:00am
posted by admin
Dr Peter YU DBS1961, Oakland, CA, USA
Lowcock (or Har Gao Lo as he is known to all this students) played an important role in our life at DBS. This is particularly true for those of us who went through Lower 6 and Upper 6 at DBS since he became our Headmaster during our last 2 years at DBS. I remember him teaching us Physics in Lower 6. In the US tradition we should not feel sorrow at his passing but instead we should celebrate his life since he has touched so many of us. His life revolved around the school and we have all become part of his extended family. Not only he helped me to get into HKU but he also helped my brother Robert to get into HKU. He came several time to visit my father to convince my father to let my brother enter HKU to study PHysics (by the way Lowcock also studied Physics at HKU). Because of his effort I had a much easier time to get my father’s approval to study Physics at HKU. As far as I know not too many students took PHysics from Lowcock. He was unusual in his approach to teaching Physics. He did not emphasize mathematical rigor in deriving Physics equations. Instead he emphasize concepts. It was not until I have taught Physics at Berkeley for many years before I realize that he has the right approach to teaching Physics. It is easy to manipulate the equation (ie doing the maths) but much more difficult to get the concept right.
I wonder if some of our HK classmates can represent our class in the memorial service to honor Har Gao Lo!
I wonder if some of our HK classmates can represent our class in the memorial service to honor Har Gao Lo!
Peter YU 1961