01 Feb00:00am
posted by admin
Dear Old Boys and friends of DBS,
With the passing of Mr. SJ Lowcock, a golden era of DBS has come to a close. I was incredibly saddened to hear the news because he personally touched my life. I moved from Canada to Hong Kong in 1977 at the age of 11. It had always been my father’s dream for his sons to enter DBS because as a child growing up in HK he never had that opportunity. I had not attended primary school in Hong Kong so I had no testing or other credentials to enter Form 1 at DBS. By the grace of God, we somehow managed to get an interview with Mr. Lowcock himself. A few weeks afterwards, with a flourish of his distinctive signature, I was accepted into DBS, forever changing my life.
Now, 35 years later, my bond with DBS is as strong as ever. He taught us to care about future generations so several years ago the DBS old boys of the San Francisco Bay Area in conjunction with those in Los Angeles, other states and overseas, started a scholarship fund to help graduating DBS boys in need of financial assistance to attend college in the US. I am on the scholarship committee and am proud to say that over the past few years, we have changed the lives of several boys by enabling them to attend college, a chance they would not have had otherwise. I believe this is the legacy that Mr. Lowcock instilled in his boys.
I look back over the past decades, and can see tangible and real points in my life where my education and association with DBS has opened doors, introduced opportunities and brought new friends into my life. I would not be where I am today if Mr. Lowcock had not seen in me the spark of something he thought was worthy of a DBS boy in his office all those years ago.
Mr. Lowcock, I am forever grateful to you.
With great sadness,
Dr Norman Yung, D.M.D.
San Francisco, California
January 31, 2012