06 Feb00:00am
posted by admin
” Mr. Lowcock had always been someone very special to a lot of us because of what he taught us, especially during the time when he was our Sports Master. He instilled into us that the principle of sports was (and is) based on the following:
– Firstly, we must always be giving our best possible effort;
– Secondly, we must be completely honest , and
– Thirdly we must always try to do the right thing.
These values were deeply ingrained into us and were responsible for our top performances on and off the field. They enabled us to be counted on to undertake any and all tasks that faced us for the rest our lives. They enabled us to stand tall and proud to have been DBS – trained and nurtured, for which we will be forever grateful.
Mr. Lowcock has left his mark on all of us who learned under him and he will always be remembered and revered for the rest of our lives.
Submitted by Andrew TC Ma, class of ’58 ‘