This year marks the 96th Anniversary of the Diocesan School Old Boys’ Association “DSOBA”. In celebration of its anniversary, the DSOBA Annual Dinner will be held at the Convention Hall, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Wanchai on December 2, 2017 (Saturday). The evening will commence with a cocktail reception at 6:30 pm, followed by dinner and entertainment from 7:30 pm onwards until late.
On behalf of the DSOBA, we would like to cordially invite you, together with your spouse and friends, to join us at this special event. This year, the Annual Dinner titled “LEGACY IN MOTION … FIRE UNLEASHED” will celebrate the strong and rich Sports tradition of DBS. If you are ready to party, to have fun, and to reunite with fellow old boys and friends, this is the day you don’t want to miss! Tickets are of limited availability, so get yours now before they sell out! Kindly reserve your table(s) early by completing the attached Annual Dinner 2017 Reply Form or online form (https://goo.gl/forms/SAkPf1df2pt88PLZ2) as soon as possible.
In order to make this major event a successful one, we also seek your kind support through making cash sponsorships, contributing table prizes, and/or placing an advertisement in our Annual Dinner Programme Booklet. Should you wish to contribute, kindly complete and return the attached Reply Form to us by October 1, 2017.
If you have any questions, or require any further assistance, please contact Mr. Ryan Fong at 6211-8128 (email: ryanfong@slscapital.com.hk), Mr. Kevin Kwong at 6113-3933 (email: kevin.kwong@ariagp.com) or Ms. Karen Cheung at 2713-5268 (email: karen@dsoba.org).
We thank you in advance for your kind support, and look forward to having a wonderful time with you that evening.
Yours Sincerely,
Ryan Fong ‘90
DSOBA Annual Dinner Chairman 2017
Kevin Kwong ‘94
DSOBA Annual Dinner Vice-chairman 2017