+852 27135268


Dear friends and old boys,

Update on Maurice Siu (89) / 繼續支持蕭卓明 (燒雞)

On behalf of Maurice, we express our gratitude to the old boys and friends
who have donated generously and provided valuable suggestions to support
Maurice in his fight against cancer.  We would also like to thank those who
attended Maurice's dinner talk in Feb 29.


Maurice has decided to undergo a new treatment regime suggested by a pool
of old boys from relevant medical fields starting April 9. May God’s
blessing be bestowed upon Maurice and his family for faith and strength in
this critical and challenging treatment.  Before the commencement of his
treatment, Maurice would like to invite friends, donors, supporters,
classmates and fellow old boys to join a sharing session on April 8 at the
All Saints’ Cathedral.  Maurice would like to thank all of you for your
support in person.


For more information, please contact David Wong at 9077-4777 or Jason Chiu
at 9308-7788.

Maurice Siu Foundation Limited

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