Singles Table Tennis Tournament 2017
Our singles table-tennis tournament will be held on Sunday, 10 December 2017. Please note the following details:
PARTICIPANTS | Open to all DSOBA members |
DATE | Sunday 10th December 2017 |
TIME | 10am to 1pm. Exact finish time will depend on the number of participants. |
PLACE | Covered Playground next to the Tuck Shop, DBS |
RULES | International rules of table-tennis will govern all matches. Plastic composite balls will be used (as per practice of the International Table Tennis Federation). On-court disputes will be settled by The Sports Club Committee and its decision will remain final. |
TROPHIES | Trophies to the winner, 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up |
ENTRY FEE | HK$200 per person. |
PRIZE-PRESENTATION CEREMONY | On 10th December 2017, immediately after the tournament. |
DEAD-LINE FOR ENTRY | 6th December 2017, on first-come-first-served basis. |
Please complete the enclosed entry form and send to DSOBA by fax or email. As the schedule of play will be announced by email to all participants, please provide your email address and mobile contact.
Sincerely yours,
Edwin Morris Raymond Tam
Class of 1990 Class of 1994
Sports Committee