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DBS News

News on DBS

The Inter-School Athletics Competition Finals was held on 12th March 2010.  Once again we have captured the overall champion for the seventh consecutive year, as well as capturing the A Grade and C Grade Champion.  Congratulations to all our athletes who have worked so hard to achieve this result.

DGS was also champion in the girls division.

photos courtesy of DBS.

Scroll down for summary by Norman Lo (78)

C Total
DBS 171 157 147 475
LSC 124 171 136 431
HPCCS 77 110 77 264


School A B C Total
DGS 180 142 143 465
GHS 172 137 149 458
HYS 82 131 74 287

Summary by Norman Lo (78)

This is a summary of this year’s Interschool Athletics Championship.  After 2 days of intensive competition (day1 and 2), we were 8 points behind our archrival LSC in the overall.  As I had mentioned in my previous e-mail, both school had the chance to win the coveted Overall trophy.

Day 3 was warm and humid, and it was much better than the weather at day 2 which was freezingly cold.  We performed superbly in the morning gaining as manly points as we can in A 400 hurdles, triple jump, B high jump, 200, 800 and hurdles, not to let LSC widen the lead.  After the morning events, we found out that we were only 2 points behind in the quest for the overall champ!  At the afternoon events (100, 400 and 1500), our athletes also performed brilliantly and began to take the lead in the overall before the relays.

Then an expected accident happened to the LSC B 4 x100 relay, they dropped the baton during the exchange between their 1st and 2nd leg; although they could still completed the changover within the takeover zone, they could only finished the race a distant 8th.  Last year, LSC had their C 4 x 100 relay team dq for stepping into the neighbouring lane during 3rd and 4th leg change over.  It is curious as in the past DBS 4 x 100, relay teams were notorious for dropping relay batons and exchanging outside the takeover zone, and LSC relay teams never committed such mistakes.

With our relay teams doing their utmost best, they came first in the C and B 4 x100, C and B 4 x 400 and second in the A 4 x 100 and 4 x 400, we made a huge come back and won the overall champ by a handsome 44 pts for the seventh consecutive year.  Results as follows:

A                            B                              C                           Overall

1st   DBS      171          LSC     171           DBS         147          DBS       475

2nd  LSC      124          DBS     157           LSC         136           LSC       431

3rd  CGHC   121          SJAC   110           SJAC         77           SJAC     264

4th   HPCCS  89          HPCCS  65           CSWCSS 65           HPCCS  215


CGHC Chong Gene Hang College HPCCS Hoi Ping Chamber of Commerce Secondary School

SJAC St Joesph Anglo-Chinese School  CSWCSS  Cheung Sha Wan Catholic Secondary School

Details are available at the website: www.hkssf.org.hk

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<photos by D.Ma>





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There will be a DBS time capsule laying ceremony in November to celebrate the 140th anniversary of the School. The Headmaster has invited all students of SD and PD to write down their feelings about DBS and HK in the next 10 and 30 years. This invitation is extended to all old boys around the world as well. Participation is easy, simply fill in the attached form and email back to Amy AuYeung (dsobaamy@yahoo.com.hk) before November 24. Your messages will be stored electronically with passwords protection. The passwords would in turn be stored inside a physical two-compartment time capsule to be laid at the ceremony. One compartment will be opened by the 150th anniversary (10 years later) and the other one by the 170th anniversary (30 years later).

Ceremony Encryption sequence The time capsule

<photo gallery>

Your participation in this collective, historical moment is greatly appreciated.


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DBS heritage site


TVB news


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Homecoming Concert 2009

“WOODBSTOCK” – DBS Homecoming Concert 2009
14 November 2009 (Saturday)

Following the cancellation of Homecoming Concert in early July 09, the Music Department has specially arranged a concert (“WOODBSTOCK” – DBS Homecoming Concert 2009) to welcome all new students and parents and commemorate DBS 140th Anniversary.  Details of which are as follows:

Date:            14 November 2009  (Saturday)
Time:            15:00 – 17:00
Venue:         School Field, Secondary Division
Performers:   Mr. Lam Tse Cheung George (林子祥), Mr. Joey Tang (太極), Mr. Mahmood Ramjahn + DBS, DGS and DBSPD musicians
Price:           @ HK$150 (a floor mat will be provided with purchase of 2 tickets)
Seating:       Free seating in various zones with capacity of 2,500 pax

All students and parents are invited to participate in the event to share this joyful moment.  For tickets purchase, please contact Ms. Tracy Lau at 2768-5687 or via email: dbsxtl@gmail.com.

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140th Anniversary Service of Thanksgiving

<Reply Card>

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         為慶祝拔萃男書院創校一百四十週年,並讓更多中學生認識我國的文化瑰寶,拔萃男書院誠意邀請蘇州中國崑曲博物館,於十月二十日及二十一日親臨本校禮堂獻技。我校特意邀請 閣下蒞臨欣賞是次表演,一起細味蘊藉委婉的崑曲美學,同時亦為這難得的文化盛會增添色彩和光芒。

崑韻情長,經歷了六百年的歷史,典雅的文辭、清俊的曲調體現了中國文化的美學,令人驚豔。崑曲被稱為「雅部」,是高雅、正統的戲曲,是最能表現中國傳統美學抒情、寫意、象徵、詩化的一種藝術,是能夠把歌、舞、詩、戲糅合得精緻優美的一種表演形式。崑曲的藝術成分滋養了各地戲種,被尊稱為中國「百戲之袓」,更於2001 年被聯合國教科文組織列為「人類口述非物質文化遺產」之首項,肯定了崑曲的卓著藝術成就。


 崑曲的藝術成就之高,實為青年人的美育典範。藉着是次中國崑曲博物館的獻演,拔萃男書院希望將崑曲藝術帶進校園,培養年青學子認識及欣賞這門精緻藝術。我校專誠邀請 閣下與我們一同感受中華文化的古樸魅力,詳情如下:






            劇目:十月二十日  《玉簪記》

                          十月二十一日  折子戲




隨函附上入場券,如蒙 閣下撥冗出席,實為我校的光榮!煩請填妥回條,並於十月十九日前傳真(27119407)至本校林小潔老師,以便安排、跟進。如有任何疑問,歡迎致電27685645與林小潔老師聯絡。






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Temporary Close of School Field

As the "Be a Volunteer Concert" organized by RTHK will be held on 5th September 2009 (Saturday),
the Field will be temporarily closed from 3:00 to 8:00p.m.  All school facilities and doors of the Main
Building will be locked up at that duration. If you need any help, please contact Mr. K.S. Lee at 9338 4255
or Security Guard station at 22467560.
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2009 HKCEE

9男4女膺十優狀元 – 星島日報網頁
Source: www.singtao.com

中學會考今日放榜,本屆共有13名考生考獲10A或5*等級。當中包括9名男生,其中2名來自拔萃男書院,其中1名是文科生,是學校歷來第一位文科狀元。皇仁書院、喇沙書院、大埔迦密柏雨中學、赤柱聖士提反書院、荃灣官立中學、順德聯誼總會梁球琚中學,以及聖約瑟英文書院各有1名男生考獲十優 。另有4名十優女生,當中3名來自拔萃女書院,另1人來自瑪利諾修院學校。  

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Fri 20-Nov-09


 <photos by Daniel Ma>

Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

<download brochure>

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