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SJ Lowcock

Condolence – William King

Really sorry to lose such a great man that I have known since joining DBS in 1957.  He will be in my memory forever.  God rest his soul.
William King

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lowcock passing – johnny alvares class of 62

it is with great sadness of sj lowcocks passing I will really miss visiting him whenever in HK I will always remember him as my mentor and coach..he will be greatly missed.
johnny alvares class of 62

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In Memoriam – Paul Lai 1962-1971

I was not close to Mr Lowcock.  I doubt that he knows my name or who I am even though he was my headmaster all 9 years in DBS – I wasn’t into athletics, and I never required disciplining of the rattan kind.  I was as distant to him as he was to me.  But the stories that came out about him afterwards tells me that Mr Lowcock was a good man.  That’s how I shall remember him.  I can scarcely think of an honour higher than that.

Paul Lai

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Teach Us to Delight in Simple Things – Edward C. Kwok

Some memories of Mr. Lowcock.
Our Primary Six English teacher, Mrs. Helen Leung, called him “Jimmy.”
There was one year we were called into the Hall and Mr. Lowcock gave a talk. Today, I can remember neither the content nor the purpose of the talk, except for one thing.  That one thing was his illustration in Cantonese 坐井觀天,曰天小者,非天小也
Then there was the time Mr. Lowcock read aloud in assembly a note that my father wrote to ask the PE teacher to excuse me from PE class.  Nobody noticed.
Mr. Lowcock told me once that “the first 13 years of a gentileman’s education is to keep him off the streets.”
Mr. Lowcock always treated with respect 亞佐, the school carpenter, and 黃志強, the man who maintained the chalk lines around the field.
Edward C. Kwok

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Our Headmaster – Philip Wu Class of ’77


Philip Wu
Class of ’77

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Our Dearest Headmaster – Henry K.S. Lee (75)

Dear Mr. Lowcock, you will always be remembered as a symbol of DBS. You set a high standard for the students who looked up to you as an example of what a gentleman should be. You are strict, yet approachable and you have a wonderful sense of dry humour. You called a spade a spade and never have a problem in speaking your mind. You have taught us to be upright citizens and be key contributors to society. Mr. Lowcock, you will always be fondly remembered.

Henry K.S. Lee (75)

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Global Call for Sharing from Old Boys and Friends

In memory of Mr. Lowcock, the DSOBA is initiating a global call for old boys and friends to share their words of condolence, memories, thoughts and feelings about Mr. Lowcock and his enormous passion for the School.   Please send your sharing to sjlowcock@dsoba.net at your earliest convenience.  The sharing received will be featured on the DSOBA website (http://www.dsoba.com) and other appropriate media.


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From Harn Kiatfuengfoo (’65)

Today is one of the saddest day of my life because we have lost a great man, Mr. Lowcock. He had many god-sons and I am one of them. He had transformed me from a mischievous little kid into a successful sportsman. I remember that I made many visits to his office to be caned until one day he took me under his wing and made me a prefect. I also remember that he told me that since I was so bad I would know all the tricks of the younger kids. During my last year at DBS I spent a great deal of time at his house and he taught me how to conduct my life and I know that I owe him plenty.
On Dec.8, I had dinner at his house and spent two hours talking of the good old days,not realizing that it would be the last time I will ever see him. His spirit and soul will be with me forever until I follow him to the grave.
I have heard from Kim Fenton that the funeral will be held on the 11th but I regret that I could not attend since I will be in Sapporo with my family for the snow festival. Let me know what I can do to be a part of his legacy. If ever there is a Lowcock Foundation please inform me.

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Respects – Au Wing Yan (’85)

To someone dedicated to our School.

Au Wing Yan (85)

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From Herbert Chiu (’65)

It is a sad day to all of us to hear of our beloved Headmaster Mr. Lowcock’s passing. He was a great mentor, teacher, counsellor, advisor, educator, trainer, etc to a lot of us. We will surely missed him!
Thanks to all of the medical doctor schoolmates who have been taken care of our Headmaster within the last few hours. He has been in the best medical care better then we can ever imagine.
Thanks to David Sung and other schoolmates with almost up to the minute report to the status of our Headmaster.
May him rest in peace and my deepest condolence to his family!
Best regards,

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