In Memoriam – Paul Lai 1962-1971
Dear Mr. Lowcock, you will always be remembered as a symbol of DBS. You set a high standard for the students who looked up to you as an example of what a gentleman should be. You are strict, yet approachable and you have a wonderful sense of dry humour. You called a spade a spade and never have a problem in speaking your mind. You have taught us to be upright citizens and be key contributors to society. Mr. Lowcock, you will always be fondly remembered.
Henry K.S. Lee (75)
Dear Mr Lowcock
May The Lord openly receive you into His Home the same way you heartily welcomed us into your home those hot summer days after soccer and cricket for a nice cooling drink of ice water. Your warm and sincere compassion will be sorely missed by my brothers and countless others in your DBS family.
Michael Tsang (曾文傑)
In memory of Mr. Lowcock, the DSOBA is initiating a global call for old boys and friends to share their words of condolence, memories, thoughts and feelings about Mr. Lowcock and his enormous passion for the School. Please send your sharing to at your earliest convenience. The sharing received will be featured on the DSOBA website ( and other appropriate media.