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SJ Lowcock

Condolence – HO, Fung (’72)

It is indeed sad news that Mr. Lowcock has passed away. I appreciated his words of wisdom and encouragement, and his vision for me to become who I am. May he rest in peace. He will be very much missed.

HO, Fung ’72

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Jimmy Lowcock – Norman Tsang (’63)

Sorry to hear that Mr.Lowcock pass-away on 26th January 2012. I still remember him as a stern but beloved & respected headmaster in my last year (1962) in DBS. My deepest condolences and prayer for his family.
Norman K.L. Tsang  – class 1963
Stouffville, Ontario, Canada

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With Loving Memories – William HongChoy

I’m sorry for the loss of a Great Man.
Although he’s gone from our sight, but never from our heart.
May our memories and the love of God bring upon peace and comfort to his family.

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he is the memory of my teenage, and my driving force of life – Pau & Co. Lau

I feel that I have lost part of me and my memory, it just like losing a fatherly relative.

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In Memory of Mr. SJ Lowcock – Peter Kwok (’65)

Headful of memorable flashbacks
Heartful of deep gratitude
Heavy indebtedness

Mr. Lowcock, thank you for being there
You touched and changed my life
You gave me my first instrument

One of your many who had received,
Peter Kwok, (Class ’65)

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Jimmy S. Lowcock – David Ngai

Jimmy must be the most friendly and caring non-Chinese that I knew of at that time growing up.

I still remember the time he caught me roller skating through the main boy,s latrine next to the covered playground (playing catch on roller skates) and instead of flagging me down, smiled and instead said ” Hurry up, they are on your tail “.  That is around 1963.

We all admire and love this principle of ours dearly.  May he rest in peace.

David Ngai

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Condolence – Roy Chan (’70)

Sad to learn that our beloved headmaster has passed away. He gave us an education beyond books and knowledge. He taught us how to think and reason. He inspired us to be a good citizen of the world. 

He will be missed as he moves on to his next journey. However his spirit and legacy will last forever.

Best wishes to his beloved family

Roy Chan

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Rest in Peace – Eddie Fung (’84)

Saddened to hear the news.  Thank you for your guidance during my years @ DBS.

Eddie Fung (84)

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From Andrew Chung

Apart from being remembered as Headmaster, a lot of us will also remember Mr. Lowcock as our most respected Form Master.

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To Sir With Love – Class of 1955

To the family of Mr.  James Sidney Lowcock:

The Class of 1955 are stunned to learn of Mr. James Sidney Lowcock’s passing.
The many years of Mr. Lowcock devoted to DBS will be long remembered.
He was our best and respected teacher.
TO SIR WITH LOVE- -we are sending our deepest sympathy to his family.

With love from – –
Shum Tung Fook
Tang On Tung
Reggie Kent
Fung Ying Lun
Chan Ying Keung
Lam Kam Fuen
Lo Kai Ming
Lo Kai Chiu
Cheung Lawrence
Chung Siu Huen
and ALL members of 1955ers

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