+852 27135268

SJ Lowcock

Obituary – Mr. Sydney James Lowcock, MBE JP (1930-2012; DBS Headmaster 1961-1983)

Dear Old Boys and Friends of DBS,

SYDNEY JAMES LOWCOCK (former headmaster of Diocesan Boys’ School), loving brother of ALWIN, brother-in-law of AIDA, uncle of BRIAN, SANDRA, KEITH, STEVEN, SUSAN, ANTHONY, BARBARA, PHILIP, PATRICIA and ANDREW, passed away peacefully on 26th January, 2012.

Vigil Service will be held at the Hong Kong Funeral Home at 7:00pm on 14th February, 2012 and Funeral Service will be held at St. John’s Cathedral, Garden Road, at 11am on 15th February, 2012.

Memorial service will be held at Diocesan Boys’ School at 2:00pm on Saturday, 18th February, 2012 (D.B.S. families)

In lieu of flowers, please make donations to “DSOBA CHARITABLE FOUNDATION LTD” and write at the back of the cheque “LOWCOCK FOUNDATION”.


For enquiries please email or call Amy Au Yeung (amy@dsoba.org / 2713-5268) or Sonia Huen (sonia@dsoba.org / 2713-5268).


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May his soul be blessed with eternal peace – David Harilela (’67)

To the family of  Past Headmaster Sidney James Lowcock

I am extremely sorry to learn of  the passing away of your beloved Past Headmaster Sidney James Lowcock.

I  know that words are poor comforters at this time but please accept my

deepest sympathy and I pray to God to give his family  ample

strength and courage through this difficult time.

In this saddest of  moments, I share in their deep pain and grief.

May his soul be blessed with eternal peace.

With Deepest Sympathy,

David Harilela

Class of ‘67

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Your wisdom & vision will be remembered – Samuel Fung (’80)

Rest in peace, Mr Lowcock. Tribute to you for touching all our hearts in big & small ways over the years; mine was taking an eye opening trip to Africa instead of having school exams 34 years ago. Your wisdom & vision will be remembered.

With deepest sympathy and condolence to the family.

Samuel Fung
DBS Class 80

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Deepest Condolences – Alan Gooey

My deepest and heartfelt condolences to Mr. Lowcock’s family and loved ones.

He will be deeply missed by all of us who were privileged and honoured to have him as our Head Master.
Rest in Peace Jimmy.

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Jimmy’s Passing – Gail and Richard Bohr

Gail and I are deeply saddened by the news of Jimmy’s passing.  We feel blessed to have been inspired by him when we were part of the DBS community in 1972-74.


I learned a great deal from Jimmy about what it means to be a dedicated teacher and have endeavored to pass on this precious legacy in my subsequent college teaching career in the U.S.


Jimmy’s lasting legacy is reflected in the lives and dedication of so many DBS old boys in Hong Kong and around the world.  He was a gift to so many, and the world is a better place because of him.


The Bohr family send its deepest condolences to Jimmy’s family and friends.


As ever,

Gail and Richard Bohr

St. Paul, Minnesota

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My deepest condolences – Eldon Chu (’64)

My deepest condolences to his family and loved ones on the passing away of our beloved headmaster and friend Jimmy Lowcock.

Eldon Chu, Class of 64.

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Condolence – CK Chan (’71)

It is such a devastating news to hear that our beloved and respected Headmaster – Mr. S. J. Lowcock had passed away at TKO Hospital this afternoon. Though Mr. Lowcock will no longer be with us, his spirit and his teachings will forever live.
May Mr. Lowcock rest in peace!

C K Chan
Year 1971

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Farewell Mr Lowcock – Ching C. Lau (’72)

It is with profound sadness that we received the news that Mr. SJ Lowcock has departed and we won’t have the opportunity to express our gratitude to him in person.  Our hearts are filled with fond memories from our days at DBS which were made possible only because of Mr. Lowcock’s dedication to the school that he loved so much and the students that he cared about deeply.  Farewell, Mr. Lowcock, we will continue to carry the torch you have passed on to us.

Ching C. Lau (Class of 72)

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We miss you Ha Gaw – Ramon Lo (’63)

Jimmy Lowcock succeeded not only as a great Headmaster, but also as one who has earned the love and respect of the highest order from students of his and other eras.

A hard act to follow indeed.

Ramon Lo

Class of 1963


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Words of Condolences from Lawrence Huang

You have taught me to be strong, by placing me to excel in sports-Discus, Javelin and shot-putt!
You have taught me team play–in the cricket games where I was the opening bowler for DBS!
You have taught me to recognize right and wrong–I was canned by you! Thank you!
And in life, and after life, you will always be in my heart.
Thank you for the good memories of my years in Diocesan Boy’s School!
I am deeply saddened at your passing away.



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