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SJ Lowcock

Memorial to Jimmy Lowcock – Andrew TC Ma, class of ’58 ‘

” Mr. Lowcock had always been someone very special to a lot of us because of what he taught us, especially during the time when he was our Sports Master. He instilled into us that the principle of sports was (and is) based on the following:
– Firstly, we must always be giving our best possible effort;
– Secondly, we must be completely honest , and
– Thirdly we must always try to do the right thing.
These values were deeply ingrained into us and were responsible for our top performances on and off the field.  They enabled us to be counted on to undertake any and all tasks that faced us for the rest our lives.  They enabled us to stand tall and proud to have been DBS – trained and nurtured, for which we will be forever grateful.
Mr. Lowcock has left his mark on all of us who learned under him and he will always be remembered and revered for the rest of our lives.
Submitted by Andrew TC Ma, class of ’58 ‘


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Lowcock – Michael CK Wong (83)

Mr. Lowcock is one of the best Headmaster and bring lots of inspiration to the DBS boys. We love him all and may he rest in peace. 

Michael CK Wong (83)

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RIP – Jean Yee Li

Mr Lowcock,

Although I don’t know you but I hope you do rest in peace & a great loss to your family & friends.

With love from a colleague of one of your niece.



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From Dr Peter YU DBS1961, Oakland, CA, USA

Dr Peter YU DBS1961, Oakland, CA, USA
Lowcock (or Har Gao Lo as he is known to all this students) played an important role in our life at DBS. This is particularly true for those of us who went through Lower 6 and Upper 6 at DBS since he became our Headmaster during our last 2 years at DBS. I remember him teaching us Physics in Lower 6. In the US tradition we should not feel sorrow at his passing but instead we should celebrate his life since he has touched so many of us. His life revolved around the school and we have all become part of his extended family. Not only he helped me to get into HKU but he also helped my brother Robert to get into HKU. He came several time to visit my father to convince my father to let my brother enter HKU to study PHysics (by the way Lowcock also studied Physics at HKU). Because of his effort I had a much easier time to get my father’s approval to study Physics at HKU. As far as I know not too many students took PHysics from Lowcock. He was unusual in his approach to teaching Physics. He did not emphasize mathematical rigor in deriving Physics equations. Instead he emphasize concepts. It was not until I have taught Physics at Berkeley for many years before I realize that he has the right approach to teaching Physics. It is easy to manipulate the equation (ie doing the maths) but much more difficult to get the concept right. 
I wonder if some of our HK classmates can represent our class in the memorial service to honor Har Gao Lo!
Peter YU 1961

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Remembering Mr. Lowcock – Arthur Yip (’79)

During my 1st day of school at DBS in Form 1D back in September of 1974; our class was particularly noisy as it was filled with half of us that knew each other from Diocesan Preparatory School.  A tall stately gentleman with grey hair walked in and said in a commanding voice “Sit down and shut up.  Your teacher will be here shortly”.  That was my first encounter with Mr.  Lowcock.  I spent only one more year in Form 2A at DBS.  I remember the excitement of winning 1st place for the School Orchestra, and playing table tennis for C Grade Sykes House during that year.  I left the school when my family immigrated to the United States in July of 1976.

I appreciate Mr. Lowcock for his contributions to DBS for instilling the importance of character, healthy competition, and striving to be the best not only in academics but in sports and music.  He encouraged students to be all rounded.    I have no doubt that he played a huge part in my academic achievement and character formation during my short stint at the school.  I offer my deepest condolences to his family.

Arthur Yip, CPA (would have been Class of 1979)
Los Angeles, CA, USA

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To Sir With Love – Davie Mok (’81)

To Sir With Love

January 26, 2012 was a sad day. A day when we lost a great educator, an inspiring mentor and a man with a big heart – the day when our beloved headmaster, Mr. Sydney James Lowcock rested in peace.

That day, it felt as if there was a dark cloud hovering over the waiting area outside the ICU where old boys gathered together with a sunken heart, knowing very well that they could be walking alongside with their most respected headmaster on the last mile of his journey.

To me, Mr. Lowcock was truly a great educator. He taught us not to be a student scoring high marks in exams, surviving the 6 to 7 years academically but instead, living perhaps the 60 or 70 years proudly thereafter in how to becoming a better man and being a student of life.

He taught us to be brave in meeting challenges head-on and even braver in admitting our shortcomings and mistakes, picking ourselves up in failures and moving on unscathed.

To a great extent, he’s also a rebel. I remember in one occasion, a teacher brought a student into his office and recommended the student to be caned for misbehaviour. After hearing both sides of the story, Mr. Lowcock turned to the teacher and said, “it seems that you are in the wrong and that the student was in the right!”

I also remember he once told me that being a Prefect, you need to always remember “4Fs” – to be Friendly, Fair and Firm. If the first 3Fs don’t work, use the 4th one!

Indeed, you rarely see that kind of inspiring teachings and that style of charisma easily nowadays. To me, that’s what DBS spirit was built on and why DBS had become such an aspiring name.

In spite of his stern image as a headmaster, Mr. Lowcock is someone who has a big heart. Not only would he use his own money to help students who can’t afford their school fees or pay for their uniform, he would even consider the students’ emotional reaction towards such generosity. To avoid hurting the students’ ego and dignity, he would quietly open a bank account in their name and deposit money into it for their use.

This is the Mr. Lowcock whom I respect and this is the headmaster whom I adore.

It was an odd feeling when we were waiting to bid final farewell to this loving figure in the Ceremony Room at the hospital moments after his passing away. The room was unusually quiet and time seemed to have stood still, evident by the clock on the wall which was not moving. There were much sorrow but I thought there were even more love in the room.

Mr. Lowcock, thank you for shaping us who we are and showing us the DBS spirit. We are grateful in having the privilege of knowing you and leaving us with a beautiful memory of what life is truly about.

To Sir With Love

Davie Mok

Class of 1981

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In memory of Mr. S.J. Lowcock – Raymond Tse

When I learned about this sad news today I can barely concentrate on my work.

I remember there was once when I passed by his office and he called me in. He asked me if I know who Bing Crosby is, and I replied he is an entertainer. That’s it! Maybe he wanted to prove something.

I’d never begin to appreciate him until many years after graduated. In fact after leaving school for a few decades, we are still very proud of this place where we grew up, not only because of the academic, sports and other achievements, but the way we are shaped and nurtured.

I feel bad for not having the chance to say “Thank you” to this respectful Headmaster and real ‘C-Fu’. I can only dedicate this song to him to express my gratitude, and I hope you all like it too.


Raymond Tse

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Lowcock Legacy – Edmund Tsan Yuen Chan Class of 1984 Toronto, Ontario, Canada

As a young boy in 1983, I was there at the morning assembly when our Headmaster announced his “stepping down” after 22 years.  It brought tears to the eyes of some boys several years our senior.  It was emotional and personal to the boys.  As an old boy, in retrospect, I consider myself lucky to have caught the tail end of the Lowcock era.    Although his era ended, his legacy lives on, no doubt!


Edmund Tsan Yuen Chan

Class of 1984

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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Deepest condolences – From Gilbert Wong & Mark Wong

He was more than a Headmaster and a teacher …..

He was a great friend.

With deepest condolences.


Gilbert Wong &

Mark Wong

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From Thomas CHOI 1961 Seattle

I was not one of the better students to have fully benefitted from Mr. Lowcock’s physics lessons.  But I still remember his lectures, his i.e.’s, his e.g.’s, his Boyle’s law, which we all copied down often with a smile on our faces at his interest in the subject and his facility.
He was as capable of cajoling as he was in encouraging, always with humor and warmth, and never without dignity.  He referred to me as someone who could sleep with his eyes open.  I can’t argue with that.  What he said stayed with me the rest of my life as I doggedly made sure I would not remain unawakened, if only to honor him.
I was already awed by Mr. Lowcock even before he became our teacher.  Tommy Chau, who was in our class but skipped two grades ahead and who won just about half of the track events at DBS (and incidentally who I mourn to this day of his premature passing), had signaled the pleasure he took in Lowcock’s physics class.  At our impressionable age, Mr. Lowcock’s cool and mastery were the model of our admiration and imitation.
Mr. Lowcock was also one of our physical education teachers.  He was a wonderful gymnastic teacher.  Until he came along, all those bars in the gymnasium and dark brown mats in the corner and the stacked pummel horses were wonderments and mysteries.  But soon enough he showed us their use for stretching, for somersaulting.  He took us out to the soccer field to run and taught us how to breathe, how to do the hurdles and how to catch our breath at the end of a long run by flopping our upper body over as we pressed out our breaths.  If he did not initiate the culture of athletic spirit at DBS, he certainly reinforced it.
On one occasion after we all did a 400 meter lap, on our way back from the field to the gym, one of the more exuberant boys jumped and straddled over a waist high post.  Mr. Lowcock said with some concern he was not to do that again else he might be permanently sorry.
Last night I read with sadness of Mr. Lowcock’s life and final hours.  I felt gratified that some of the old boys took care of him in the hospital.  I knew he received only the best possible treatment.  And undoubtedly he knew he was loved and respected by so many.  I dreamt I wrote to my parents that Mr. Lowcock took leave of us, only to realize I did not know where to send the note.  I awake to realize we group those to whom we owe debt that can never be repaid.
With condolences to all,
Thomas CHOI 1961

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