+852 27135268


Dragon Boat 2013 – Stanley


Words cannot express how grateful I am to be able to lead such a wonderful team. The final results (fantastic as they were) almost became secondary compared to the spirit, camaraderie, discipline and sportsmanship we showed the 20,000+ people at Stanley. Everyone I met yesterday, from fierce competitors to seasoned dragon boat veterans, all complimented on how superbly we carried ourselves. The spirit of DBS is alive and well. (We even appeared on TV!!)

A quick summary of the results:
· Men’s B Gold Cup – 1st Runner Up
· Men’s B Plate – 1st Runner Up (by the slightest margin of 0.01s)

So many people whose help we are indebted to:

· Headmaster Ronnie Cheng (83), for his message of support. It was most encouraging and uplifting to read that first thing in the morning.
· Joe Chan (88) and his wife Charmaine, for making us the best burgers and hot dogs. Joe and his team had to carry all the food and equipment on and off the junk. We need to better coordinate to help next time.
· Rahman (71), for his inspiring pep talk before the finals. It’s invaluable to have a senior old boy sharing his stories in time we need inspiration most.
· Jason Chiu (Mr. President, 88), for his unwavering support, both in his capacity in DSOBA, but more importantly, his personal commitment to be physically there with us.
· Felix Chiu (99) and Brian Chu (87), our in-house photographers. You are our official scribes, recording the history of DBS dragon boat, picture by picture.
· Daniel Ma (76), John Low (82) and Keith Chiu (87), for coming down to support us. There are other old boys who were also there but whose names escape me right now. Our thanks go to them nevertheless.


Carl & Edwin

Dragon Boat Captains

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Use of Personal Data

The Diocesan School Old Boys’ Association (the “Association”) undertakes to comply with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to ensure that personal data kept are accurate and securely kept.

We have been using your personal data for communicating with you information related to the Association and old boys as well as promoting events organised by the Association or the Diocesan Boys’ School.  We shall continue to do so unless we receive your objection in writing. The Association will not disclose your personal details to any outside parties without your authorisation.

Should you refuse to have your personal data being used for the above purposes, please let us know by submitting your request to mail@dsoba.org. We will handle your request as soon as possible.

We thank you for your attention to this matter and your continuous support to the Association.

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The DSOBA Charitable Foundation Limited (“CFL Trust”)

In recent years since possibly 2005, there has been a widespread sentiment amongst old boys that there is a need to assist boys who wish to pursue their dreams but cannot do so because of the lack of funds.  It is ironic that while DBS is developing a super campus second to none in the territory, enhanced development of its boys may have been somehow overlooked.  DSOBA decided to bravely step into this hiatus in 2009 and explore the idea of setting up a trust fund in aid of boys who may be in need of funds in the course of their pursuit of academic, musical or sporting excellence.

At round about the same time, several old boys donated to DBS seed money to start the S.J. Lowcock Foundation (“the Foundation”) in honour of our ex-headmaster.  The Foundation’s aim is to provide financial assistance to economically disadvantaged students of DBS to enable them to continue with their tertiary education either locally or overseas. 

The foundation was initially managed by DBS and the seed money was already used up by 2010 when the CFL Trust was honoured with the responsibility to administer the Foundation from 2010 onwards.  DSOBA quickly adopted the Foundation under its wings, which effectively becomes the first and flagship project under the CFL Trust.

To launch the CFL Trust, a charity gala premiere of the much acclaimed award-winning movie “Echoes of the Rainbow” was organized on 27th February 2010.  The tear-jerking masterpiece attracted 9 full houses at the Grand Cinema at the Elements and at the same time attracted $3 million in donation from old boys, parents and friends of DBS on the night.  Encouraged by the overwhelming response, the CFL Trust raised a further $1 million plus up to mid-2011.

The inaugural directors of the CFL Trust consists of a high court judge, 2 senior barristers, 1 solicitor, 1 accountant and 2 seasoned businessmen.  The CFL Trust also succeeded in getting tax-exemption status in Hong Kong commencing March 2011.


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Medical & Healthcare Chapter

A Preparatory Committee to set up a Medical Chapter

A preparatory committee consisted of 10 old boys who are in the medical profession was set up in late 2011 to coordinate the setting up of a Medical Chapter within DSOBA.  An informal dinner gathering was held on 9 March 2012 at the DBS Glass Pavilion. The meeting was attended by 82 old boys from the class of 1952 to 2004 who are in the medical profession. At the meeting, it was agreed to formally set up a Medical Chapter.

Inauguration of the DSOBA Medical & Healthcare Chapter*

The inauguration meeting and dinner of the DSOBA Medical & Healthcare Chapter was held on 11 January 2013 at the Glass Pavilion. The meeting was attended by 116 old boys who are in the medical profession. They are from the class of 1952 to 2012.  (see full report: DSOBA MC_130111_Report.pdf)

* The chapter was renamed from the “Medical Chapter” to the “Medical & Healthcare Chapter” (to reflect the full range of membership of the Chapter).

Coordinating Committee 2013-2015:
CUHK:          LUI Siu Fai (1970) – Convenor
HKU:            Raymond WONG (1998)
HA HKWC:    Kenny Kwan (1994)
HA HKEC:     Peter CHEE (1985)
HA KEC:       TSOI Chun Hing (1985)
HA KCC:       Patrick LI Chung Ki (1971)
HA KWC:      Samuel FUNG (1980)
HA NTEW:    Raymond LO (1981)
HA NTWC:    Matthew TONG (1985)
Private:        Au Wing Yan (1985)
.                   Joseph Chan (1982)
.                   YU Richard (1952)

–    The Coordinating Committee is consisting of 12 members: 1 member from CUHK, 1 member from HKU, 7 members from the Hospital Authority (with 1 member from each of the 7 clusters) and 3 members from the private sector.
–    The members of the First Coordinating Committee of the DSOBA M&H Chapter were members of the initial Preparatory Committee. Subsequently, the committee members shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Chapter.
–    The duration of a term of office is 2 years. One-third of the member shall retire after a term of office. A retiring Officer shall be eligible for re-election (in-line with the policy set by DSOBA).
–    The Convenor of the Coordinating Committee shall be elected by the members of the Coordinating Committee.

Criteria for membership
(1)    Being a member of DSOBA and
(2)    In the medical and healthcare profession, including academic.

The purposes of the Medical & Healthcare Chapter
1.    To identify and to connect old boys in the medical and healthcare profession
2.    To provide a platform for networking, professional exchanges and sharing of news
3.    To assist the School (DBS Careers Office and Centre for Further Studies) on matters related to DBS boys who wish to pursue with a career in the medical and healthcare profession.

Proposed activities:
1.    A DSOBA Medical & Healthcare Directory for posting on DSOBA website*.
2.    An annual dinner / meeting and a mid-year gathering
3.    e-Newsletter / information sharing on designated area (for Chapters) on DSOBA website.
4.    Career development for boys
To take part in the “University day” being hosted by DSOBA, to provide career talk for the School Careers Office, to facilitate boys who are interested in pursuing a career in the medical and healthcare profession with summer internship and attachment to hospital / clinic and to offer mentorship for boys currently studying in medicine.

*Currently, 355 old boys from the year 1945 to 2008 who are in the medical and healthcare profession have been identified and we are in the process of establishing contact with them. Out of these, 143 old boys have joined the Chapter (and agreed for posting of their names on the DSOBA Medical & Healthcare Directory, which will include information such as name, year, profession, current institution, specialty/interest).

Please contact Sonia (sonia@dsoba.org) or Maggie (maggie@dsoba.org ) or for enquiries about joining the Medical & Healthcare Chapter.

Dr. LUI Siu-Fai (Convenor) can be contacted via email luisf@luisf.org

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DSOBA Industry Chapters

An industry chapter is an industry or profession based group within the Diocesan School Old Boys’ Association (DSOBA).  Each industry chapter is composed of Old Boys who belong to one or a group of clearly defined industries or professions.    

Purpose of an industry chapter

The primary purpose for which a chapter is formed is to help achieve the key objectives of the Diocesan School Old Boys’ Association through industry or profession based groups.

The key objectives of the DSOBA Industry Chapters are:

•    To foster and maintain contact between Old Boys of the Diocesan Boys’ School.

•    To promote and encourage social interaction amongst the members of the DSOBA and the Old Boys of the Diocesan Boys’ School.

•    To establish, maintain and conduct a social club for the accommodation of members of the DSOBA and their friends, and to provide club premises and other conveniences and generally to afford to members and their friends all the usual privileges, advantages, conveniences and accommodation of a social club.

•    To further the interest of past & present of the members of the Diocesan Boys’ School.


To learn more about our industry chapters please contact Sonia at 27135268 or email sonia@dsoba.org.

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DSOBA Overseas Chapters

DSOBA is an association of DBS old boys from all around the world. It’s chapters include:

– Hong Kong

– New York

– San Francisco

– Shanghai

– Singapore

– Toronto

– Vancouver

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DSOBA Membership

Any old boy of Diocesan Boys’ School who has at least completed 2 academic years at DBS shall be eligible for Full or Trial Life Memberships.
Any existing student of DBS who has at least completed 2 academic years at DBS shall be eligible for Trial Life Membership.

Life and Trial Life Membership

•    Life Membership involves a one time entry fee with no subsequent payment required.
•    Trial Life Membership is open only to any eligible old boy or existing student of DBS who is below the age of 29.  Trial Life Membership shall automatically expire on the 31st of December following the 28th birthday of the applicant.
Life and Trial Life Membership applications are subject to approval by the DSOBA General Committee.
Trial Life Members are not entitled to vote in general meetings of DSOBA.



In line with the objectives of the DSOBA, all members are entitled to the following benefits:
•    To receive notices and invitation to attend all social functions organised by the DSOBA
•    To qualify for membership to the Sports Club
•    To receive a parking label for visiting the School on Sundays only
To apply for Life or Trial Life Membership, please print out and complete the Enrolment Form and send it together with the relevant payment (if applicable) and 3 recent photos, to the Honorary Secretary of DSOBA.

All membership applications are subject to approval by the General Committee.

Just print out the Enrollment Form, fill in your information, and send it to DSOBA with your cheque and 3 recent photos.


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List of Presidents

Past Presidents


Mr. Jason Chiu
Mr. Desmond Yip
Mr. S.A.L. Rahman
Mr. Victor Tan
Mr. Stanley Fong
Mr. Selwyn Chan
Mr. Wilfred Kam
Mr. Richard Chan
Mr. Tony S.C. Choi
Mr. Frederick L.C. Lui
Mr. Norris Yang
Mr. Michael Tien
Dr. Kenneth Wang
Mr. Tommy Y.Y. Cheung
Mr. Edward Y.H. Wan
Mr. George Hongchoy
Mr. Ip Lai
Mr. W.F. Lau
Mr. Ha Kit Wing
Mr. H.T. Barma
Mr. Y.K. Kan
Mr. William Zimmern
Mr. A.K.W. Lui
Mr. A. Fok
Mr. Tang Yau Ting
Mr. B. Pasco
Mr. Cheung U Pui
Mr. Wong Ka Tsun
Mr. Kam Cheung Yan
Mr. Wong Ching Yau
Mr. A. Piercy
Mr. B.C. Randall


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Every year, DSOBA organizes a number of activities for old boys and students:



  • University Day

  • Career Talk

  • Mentorship Program

  • Dinner Talk

Parent-Child Activities

  • Games Day
  • Poolside Party

Social Networking

  • Happy Hour Gatherings
  • Monthly Luncheon
  • Annual Ball

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We strive to enhance the DBS school spirit amongst old boys & students

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