Dear Members, This year’s eagerly-awaited tennis tournaments have been scheduled on 17 January, 2010 for the singles and 7 March, 2010 for the doubles. The singles tournament will begin with early rounds starting in the morning at 9:00AM and doubles will begin on…
<Photo Gallery – D.Ma>
The DBS School Fete was successfully held on 8-Nov-09. <photo gallery – a Parent> <photo gallery – Dawin Liu>
Photos from the recent Vancouver Gathering in Sep 09.
Lawrence K.K. Yu and Charles C. Wong Would like to cordially invite you to a DBS 140 Year Celebration Cocktail Party On Friday 13th November 2009 6.00pm- 10.00pm At 17th Floor. The Hong Kong Club Building 3A Chater Road, Central
DSOBA Shanghai Chapter – DBS 140th Anniversary Celebration Dinner17-Oct-09 SatFour Seasons Hotel Our agenda for the Weekend includes: – Gathering Dinner (Crab Feast)- Golf Tournament- City Tour- Drinks and Networking Photo gallery1 Photo gallery2
Jointly Organized by DSOBA and & DBS Centre for Further Studies Dear Fellow Students of DBS, The DSOBA and DBS Centre for Further Studies are glad to inform you that this year’s University Day will be held at 2:30pm on 10 October 2009…
POSTPONED TO JAN-10 Speaker: Norris Yang (‘ 68) was the President of our DSOBA from 1992-1995, Chairman of the Hong Kong Mediation Council (2003-2006) and the leading Chinese speaking Mediator in Hong Kong and internationally for commercial disputes. He is the first Asian panel…
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